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Embrace the Journey with Beyond the Mosaic

Moving forward after you gather the pieces

Stones on Mosaic Bowl

About Beyond the Mosaic

Beyond the Mosaic exists to create a sounding board and space for people who have collected pieces from their journey and now want to put them back together in an effort to move forward...
- Beyond the doubt... into capabilities
- Beyond existing... into fulfillment
- Beyond avoidance... into purpose
Beyond the Mosaic operates from the perspective of honor, wellness, resilience, and vision. We help you identify your goals and support you to reach those through encouragement and accountability.

Businesswomen Walking in Hallway
african american woman thinking.jpg
Multi Generation Family On Autumn Walk I

Personal & Professional Development

Investing in the organism to strengthen the organization

Focus Areas:

  • Employee Relations

  • Action Research 

  • HR Assistance

  • Strategic Planning

  • Career and Professional Development

Do you want to develop your leadership skills?


Do you want to improve your skills to prepare you for the next level? 


Do you want help organizing your efforts as you venture into the journey ahead?


With the exploration and implementation of tools and techniques we will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals.


A process workshop we call:

"S.W.O.T. Your Life"

- Identify and Set Goals

- Explore Risks and Benefits

- Create Manageable Plans

- Discover a Different Mindset for Success

Consulting & Coaching Session

Guidance & Inspiration


Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond. With our coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.


Coaching sessions include but are not limited to:

 - Goals and Purpose

 - Obstacles that are keeping you from moving forward with your goals

 - Accountability


Life Skills Workshops

(Youth & Adults)

"We are Beautifully and Wonderfully Made"

We are to become who God has called us to be through a process we call E.W.E (Everything With Excellence).

In our life skills workshops we will discuss how to properly feed your mind, heart, spirit and body.

Discussion topics include:

 - Healthy relationships

- Breaking Habits and Starting New Ones

- The Value of Spirituality

- The Value of Connection

- Power of Your Words

And More...

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

Melody Beattie

Since we live by the spirit, let us keep in step with the spirit ~Galations 5:25

Get to Know the Founder

Believe in Embracing Your Journey

KaMille Washington is passionate about cultivating the skills and abilities in people. She believes in the active role that individuals play in their own resilience. KaMille acheives this through consulting and coaching. KaMille has formally devoted over a decade of her life to serving others through advocacy and empowerment. She has spent a lifetime connecting with and serving people from all walks of life. KaMille holds a Bachelor degree in Psychology with a focused education in Family Studies in addition to a Master of Science degree in Organizational Development. KaMille is committed to helping others and believes that people have the capacity to tap into and take charge of their development, motivation and growth. In her own life journey, KaMille has embraced both challenges and successes that helped gain clarity, find encouragement and shift perspective. KaMille's approach extends from an open spirit of transparency to journey with you to help you appreciate and honor your best self. If life’s demands are leading you to a lack of motivation and direction, allow yourself to dig deep to find the gem beneath the overwhelm to shift your perspective, reach your goals and find your purpose.


Schedule a Consultation

(Initial consultation is free)

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